Equalizer Pro & Bass Booster – Android App to Improve Sound of Your Phone

Equalizer Pro & Bass Booster is an application categorized under “Music & Audio” in the Google play store. This application is developed by HowarJran and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It’s compatible with android version 4.2 and was recently updated. The current version of the app is 1.2 and the size of the app is 2.7MB according to the device it’s being installed in. It is available in Google Play and has no in-app purchases. This application has more than 50,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 1,900 users giving it a 4.2 rating in the Google play store.

The smartphone’s ability to play and record music is one of the key features in mobile phones since its inception in the early 2000s. A Smartphone without the ability to play music is not really a Smartphone. It is a feature that is essential and always expected in every Smartphone that is released. A lot of times smart phones don’t give much emphasis on creating a visually appealing and easy-to-use music player on their devices. This is often overlooked and ignored. The end result may be some unpleasant glitchy music player with minimal features.

Music Equalizer is an all-in-one bass boost that enhances the sound quality of your Android device and has brilliant sound quality. It is an easy-to-use Equalizer because of the Bass booster, Volume booster, and 3D Virtualizer effects! It has never been so good that your Android device sounds awesome with Equalizer and Bass booster.

Feel another level of music ! by customizing the music listening experience with a bass booster & equalizer. You can also use the support of a Bluetooth speaker to listen to music. The Equalizer sound booster & bass booster (Eq & Bass) acts as a great volume booster, and speaker booster. To get the best sound effects for your music or audio from your device, the bass master and volume booster play a major role which allows you to adjust the sound quality. Compatible with all popular music and video players on the market. The equalizer and bass booster (Eq & Bass) facilitates volume gain sliders, bass boosters, virtual 3D surround sound and five-band equalizers.

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To get the best results, pair this app with your best headphones

Music Equalizer: Bass Booster Features:

Five bands equalizer (Eq)

Bass Boost effect (Bass)

10 presets equalizations(Normal, Classic, Dance, Flat, Folk, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Rock)

 5 Visual spectrums (Eq spectrums )

Colourful music visualization spectrum (3D)

Media volume control

By using any audio player you can listen to good music

Stereo-led VU meter

Home screen widget

Listen to good music

Home screen widget

The installation of the Equalizer & bass booster(Eq & Bass) is simple and supports all Music and Video players.

How it works for Music or Audio, improve the sound quality

Turn on the Music or Audio(Video) player and play the music

You can adjust sound level and frequency by turning on the Bass Booster & Equalizer application

For good results put headphones or speakers

By the close button of the notification, you can close the application.

Don’t miss the fun click the install button! Improve the sound of your music even simpler and more elegant!