2Accounts – Dual Space & Dual Apps is an application categorized under “Productivity” in the Google play store. This application is developed by AVG Mobile apps and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. 2Accounts – Dual Space & Dual Apps compatibility varies with the device at use and above and was recently updated on 22 Dec 2022. The current version of the app is 3.3.4 and its size is 9.8Mb. It is available in Google Play and it has in-app purchases starting from $3.99 – $59.99 per item which further improves the user experience. This application has been installed more than 5,000,000 times and was reviewed by more than 97,000 users giving it a 4.3 rating in the Google play store.
With the emergence of the computer in the 21st century, the methods of official communication have changed drastically. Emails have completely replaced letters and have become an inevitable part of life for the working class. Nowadays children also have email ids that they use for their personal use like chatting with friends. It’s truly a remarkable innovation that has completely changed the way people communicate.
Have you ever thought if there was an application to administer two accounts in one phone, let it be for any social media platform or a game player? You have reached and chosen the right application “2Accounts dual space”.
2Accounts is the perfect blend for your problem! Users can use 2Accounts to log into two accounts of the same app on a single device. 2Accounts enables two accounts to run in a concurrent environment. This ensures that the app data is stored independently and that you won’t miss a single notification from each app.
Features and Benefits:
- Clone popular social media apps (Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.) and gaming apps (Clash of Clans, Lords Mobile, FreeFire, LOL, etc.)
- Switch quickly between two accounts on one phone.
- Easy to manage work and personal life.
- All data is stored separately and won’t interfere with each other
- Attractive features are available for VIP subscribers:
Secret Zone and Security Lock: Enhanced privacy with a security lock to protect all your apps. This feature is very helpful if you use a shared work phone.
Multiple accounts: Enjoy cloning multiple apps without limits!
Notes to run the app smoothly
· Permissions: 2Accounts has applied for many system permissions to ensure that applications cloned in 2Accounts will run normally. For example, if 2Accounts is not permitted to acquire the camera permission, you will be unable to use camera functions. 2Accounts does not collect any personal information and is designed to protect privacy.
· Malicious virus warning: We found that some antivirus software can pop up a virus warning. This is because 2Accounts applies for system permissions. If you experience this situation, please reach out to our customer support team and leave the name of the antivirus app. 2Accounts is a completely safe application and we will work to appeal the warning.
· Notifications: Please add 2Accounts to the whitelist to ensure that you receive the notifications of some cloned apps.