AVS: Any Video Converter- An App to Convert Videos

AVS: Any Video Converter is an application categorized under “Tools” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Skiller Apps and has content applicable to individuals aged three and above. It is compatible with Android version 5.1 and above and was last updated on May 16, 2019. The current version of the application is 5.1 and the size of the application is 14 MB. The application does not contain any ads. It is available in Google Play and does not offer any in-app purchases. This application has more than 50,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 2,100 users giving it a 4.1 rating in the Google Play Store.

Video converters are often a hassle to operate. Most times the input video might not be in a supported format other times the output may not even play. You can also come across n number of issues regarding the audio of the converted video. I’ve had horrible experiences using video-converting software over the phone and PC.

Video conversion will be much easier if you use AVS Video Converter. It allows you to convert videos into any format. The formats for conversion included in this app are aac, mp3, mpeg4, 3gp, Mkv, WebM, and others. This app is a powerful tool for converting various video formats so that you can enjoy the videos later. AVS Video Converter will not require you to install other programs. Its high-end features will satisfy your needs for a certain video converter. Every button on its interface has a function. Its user interface will not require you to gain knowledge before you can use it. It is very simple, and you can start using it after you have installed it. With this converter, you can also edit, trim, or delete some parts of a video. Audios can be added to it. Some cool effects are available to make your video creative and presentable. AVS Video Converter is easy to install.

The following are some of the features that you can expect from the AVS video conversion program:

It can convert almost any HD video format without trouble. It allows aspect ratio adjustment. Preview is available for your video and you can change its aspect ratio if you don’t want it. Change it and save it to a new file. You can also convert videos that can be played by various media players. It can convert video that will suit websites.

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Share the converted video on popular video hostings such as Facebook, Myspace, and many others directly from the AVS video converter. It allows you to create your own video and burn it to your DVD discs or post it to your website or blog. It has multilingual support (11 major languages). Its interface is user-friendly and does its job effectively.