Cleaner – Phone Cleaner, Memory Cleaner & Booster is an application categorized under “Tools” in the Google play store. This application is developed by Lite Tools Studio and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. Cleaner – Phone Cleaner, Memory Cleaner & Booster is compatible with android version 4.1 and above and was recently updated on 27 Sept 2022. The current version of the device is 2.3.1 and its size is 13Mb. It is available in Google Play and it has in-app purchases starting from ₹200.00 per item which further enhances the user experience. This application has been installed more than 10,000,000 times and was reviewed by more than 128,000 users giving it a 4.2 rating in the Google play store.
One of the most important features of a smartphone is its storage capability. With newer phones boasting storage sizes of 64 and 124 GB, the amount of data stored in smartphones is ever-increasing. Without properly managing the data through backs ups and cleanups a smartphone can soon become unresponsive and slow. Categorizing and segregating data according to its use is difficult when the user has an increased amount of data to work with. . With the cost of the devices going down more and more people are getting access to mobile phones. For most individuals, it’s something that they cannot live without. With the increase in the importance of mobiles the importance of maintaining and preserving mobiles has also gone up. Along with its hardware, the software of mobile phones also needs to be maintained for smooth functioning.
This is an amazing app that can instantly clear up space in an instant. This app cleans so deeply that a lot of information and data that you wouldn’t be able to find on other cleaners appear here. The additional details of application size such as code, cache and data will help you decide on uninstallation. You can also re-install deleted apps from the recycle bin. ‘Scan unused APK’ will search APKs all over your phone and memory card. You can choose to delete the APK files. Recycle bin will store all deleted apps for a quicker installation again without any need to download them from the Google Play store.
Some of the main features are
App Manager – You can back up or uninstall any app you choose from the list of installed apps.
Junk Cleaner – Clean Booster – junk turbo cleaner can clean up the junk files you choose.
Phone Booster – With Clean Booster – Phone Booster & Phone Cleaner, clean unnecessary processes you choose to go speed up your device.
AppLock – A smart AppLock – privacy guard, and security lock, gives your phone security protection.
Clean Photos – Display duplicate photos and screenshots of your phone. And you can remove any duplicate photos and screenshots you choose.
Easy to Use – Just a few steps to speed up your phone and clean junk also the UI is absolutely flawless.
This app allows you to Optimize your phone memory or storage with this Memory Cleaner and Cache Cleaner! It’s a good choice to make your phone better!