Easy Copy is a ‘Tools’ category app on the Android Play Store. It is rated for ages 3 and above. The application’s latest version is V3.3 and it has been last updated on November 25, 2018. The application runs on Android version 4.1 and above. The app can be installed free of charge, and users are able to purchase in-app products.
The app has been developed and managed by Camel Corporation. The size of the application is 5.9M. The application has a total of 3,846 votes from users, which gives it an average of 3.0/5 rating. Over 500k Android users have downloaded EasyCopy.
Easy Copy was developed to help reduce the number of taps that are required for you to perform copy-and-paste actions. The app helps users reduce time by providing users with a ‘one tap’ function in order to perform copy and paste actions.
Pros of the Application
- The app’s One Tap’ function allows users to utilize copy and paste function in a simpler and quicker way.
- ’Copy in 1-Tap’ allows users to perform faster actions such as translate, locate and share, from every application.
- The app’s other main feature is ‘Enhanced Clipboard’ which provides users with a ‘Saving’ option for their copied items as well as a ‘Manage’ option for them to be able to manage their favorites.
- The application’s third and last main feature is the ‘Paste feature’ that gives users access to paste anything from their clipboards in one 1-tap.
- The paste feature is available and accessible from all other applications that users have on their mobile devices.
- The app allows users to utilize the application in any other social platform/app by a default popup appearing whenever users copy something. It allows them to utilize and select quick actions.
- The app provides users with an ‘Enhanced Clipboard’.
- Easy Copy saves everything users copy in an automatic way.
- Users can create favorites so they can have access to them in faster way.
- The app offers users the option to be able to use and reuse the items that they have in their clipboard.
- Users are able to search all of their copied items as well as edit and/or delete them.
- Users are able to access their Easy Copy clipboard via the notification bar for a faster way to paste items.
- The application uses ‘Accessibility Services’ which has a blind accessibility service that provides its users with the option to read the text they typed on the screen.
Cons of the Application
- Users have to upgrade and pay to be able to have full access to the app’s functions. You also need to pay for some additional tools and items which seems a bit unfair.
- Some users have complained about the application using too much of RAM space on their devices.
- Users have reported having issues with the app after its latest update.
- Users have complained about the difficulty in using the application.
- The application does not work with Facebook.
Download Application From Here
The application allows users to perform ‘copy and paste’ actions in a ‘one-tap’ function, making it simpler and easier for users. The app allows users to use its ‘copy and paste’ functions in other social media applications. Users are able to store their copied items in their clipboards. The application provides users with the option to use and reuse their copied items, as well as create favorites and manage them.