Inshorts- Android App to get 60 Words News Summary

Inshorts – 60 words News summary is listed under ‘News & Magazines’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store and doesn’t contain any in-app purchases. However, contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.0.3 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 4.5.11. It was first released on 3rd September 2013.

Inshorts – 60 words News summary is developed by Azhar Iqbal, Anunay Pandey, and Deepit Purkayastha. The size of the Android application is 6.22 MB but varies the devices. The reviews of 345K users have given it an average rating of 4.3/5 stars. The app has already hit 5-Million downloads worldwide.

Inshorts MediaLabs Pvt. Ltd launched the Inshorts – 60 words News summary for worldwide users which came into effect from 3rd September 2013. This gives exclusive excess to billion people worldwide to the news.

App’s non-technical functionality is often quoted as “Knowing it all without reading it all”. App offers legit news in summary of 60 words. Users can either login with Facebook or can create new user id. This app sends limited a notification with top stories of the day including sports, political and entertainment industry. Headlines news keeps the user intact the current affairs.

Pros of the Application

  • The app allows users to have unlimited access to the latest news and top stories of the world.
  • The user can keep them up to date with all the platforms like governments policies, politics, Bollywood shakeups, sports etc.
  • The app notifies users with news summarized into 60 words i.e. no more articles with long stories build up with biased opinions.
  • 60 words news summary saves users time and also keeps them up to date with current affairs. Moreover, full articles are also available if anyone interested in that story.
  • TOSS button in the app allows users to share and notify important stories with their friends. They can also see what stories their friends liked.
  • The App comes with AI engine (artificial intelligence based) that intuitively understand what users is really interested into and delivers them in the My Feed section.
  • With the highest rated news app on Playstore makes it the most trusted source of news.
  • User interface ‘UI’ of the app is pretty much user-friendly and app available in both Hindi and English languages.

Cons of the Application

  • The way too much notification prompts about many articles makes you irritate and uncomfortable with it sometimes.

Download Application From Here


This application is a very simple alternative for those who want to keep them updated with current affairs and vast news categories without spending much time. Videos related to recent stories are also available for the users. App has multiple functionalities like

  • Like what you want
  • Share with your friends
  • See what others liked
  • Bookmarks important ones

App interface has further categories for different function like

  • My Feed
  • Bookmarks
  • Trending
  • Top stories
  • All news
  • Unread

Users can toggle into different features depending on what they want.  The ‘Unread’ section allows you to read what you missed already. Latest update released based on an AI engine that smartly follows you through to understand what you’re interested in most and in this way shows the best related to your priorities.