Libby, by OverDrive, is listed under the ‘Books & Reference’ category on the Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC which makes it suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store and doesn’t include any in-app purchases. However, it may contain ads placed by developers. A device must have an Android 4.4 or later version for using this app. The latest version of the app is 1.7.0 which was updated recently on Dec 8, 2022. It was first released on 24th February 2013.
Libby, by OverDrive, is developed and offered by ‘OneDrive, Inc’. The size of the Android application is just 2.2 MB. The reviews of 6.7K users have given it an average rating of 3.8/5 stars. The app has crossed over 1 Million downloads on Google Play.

Libby, by OverDrive, is a literature app offered by ‘OneDrive’ for users and is also integrated with the website ‘’ It provides online access to discover eBooks and audiobooks available at local library collections. Users can easily find and borrow books of their choice from the local library via this app. Users can find, read and listen to their favorite books from the collection.
Pros of the Application
- Libby, by OverDrive, is an online platform for borrowing eBooks and audiobooks, it has a huge collection of those listed on its app.
- The app comes with a built-in eBook reader that allows users to read books online.
- Libby, by OverDrive, has a built-in audiobook player for audiobooks as well.
- Multi-sign an option in the app allows users to sign in to different libraries.
- Libby, by OverDrive, lets users download and save books for offline reading. They can also download audiobooks for listening to them.
- Users can view the sample of any book online without downloading previews or anything like that.
- The single shelf maintains all the loans and holds of the customers.
- Users can create and customize titles to different collections like ‘Read, Loved, Hated, etc’.
- Users can also add eBooks and audiobooks to their wishlists so that they can read them in the future.
- The app includes the ‘Activity Tab’ that allows users to track their reading activity and history.
- Libby, by OverDrive, keeps all devices synchronized so that users can read their personalized content across all devices.
- The app also provides the most popular books and trending books suggestion for users so as to make it easier to choose between different stuff.
- Libby, by OverDrive, provides a very simple and attractive user interface UI to streamline the reading experience.
- Users can recommend and share different books with their friends and discuss different books with others using different social apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- The app is also included in Editors’ Choice which makes it the most trusted app.
Cons of the Application
- Most customers complained that it is difficult to find required reading material from the collection and most of that stuff isn’t free.
- There are a lot of complaints about the new user interface UI. Users say that the classic layout was more usable and offered a better user experience.
- There are lots of bugs and error issues on the app while reading books. These bugs slow down the app and greatly affect the reading experience.
Download Application From Here
Libby, by OverDrive, provides online reading material and audio books worldwide. Users need to have a library card for accessing books from the local libraries. The main interface shows different options like:
- Library
- Shelf
- Search
- Profile
The search option lets you find and borrow different eBooks and Audiobooks. The profile tab shows personalized statuses like:
- Loans
- Holds
- Tags
- Activity