Pocket Casts is listed under the ‘News & Magazines’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 12+ by IARC suitable for a certain age group moreover parental guidance is recommended. This app can be downloaded from the Play Store/App store by paying about $3.5. This app doesn’t contain any in-app purchases. However, it may contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 5.0 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 6.4.15 which was updated recently on Dec 9, 2022. It was first released on 6td March 2011.
Pocket Casts is developed and offered by Podcast Media LLC. The size of the Android application is 7.3 MB but varies with the devices. The reviews of 52K users have given it an average rating of 4.3/5 stars. Over a million Android users have downloaded Pocket Casts from PlayStore.
Pocket Casts is a podcasting app offered by Podcast Media LLC. The app provided different audio and video podcasts for users. The is a very centralized subscription between your different devices. Users can either stream their podcasts or just can download them for later use.

Pros of the Application
- Pocket Casts is a very useful platform for listening and streaming to different podcasts online and offline.
- Pocket Casts is an affordable podcast app available for only $4 on iOS and Android.
- The app has won multiple awards like Editors’ Choice, Google Play Top Developer, and Google Material Design making it the most popular and trusted app.
- The user interface of Pocket Casts is very interactive and has two different themes i.e. dark and light display themes.
- Both audio and video podcasts are available. Users can stream podcasts online.
- The app also offers the downloading option for podcasts to be enjoyed offline.
- Pocket Casts has a very sleek look video/audio player for a smooth user experience. There are multiple buttons like variable speed, volume boost, sleep timer, skip playback, etc.
- Pocket Casts has a ‘Trim Silence’ option to cut the silenced part in the episodes to provide user better experience.
- Users can control podcasts using android wear and can chrome cast them on TV.
- The app notifies about new episodes via notifications to keep users up to date.
- Using the auto download option, users can set the Pocket Casts app to automatically download new episodes when they arrive which can be then played offline.
Cons of the Application
- The notification prompts about the new episodes make users uncomfortable with it sometimes.
- Some users complained about the new updated version of the app that it doesn’t sync well and there are a lot of bugs as well in the new beta version.
- A lot of complaints about version 7’s user interface are that it is relatively more complex and simple tasks are confusing.
Download Application From Here
Pocket Casts can stream podcasts online and can download them for offline use. Pocket Casts has a unique and easy user interface that allows users to categorize their different podcast episodes. Users need to buy the app online and need to sign up for personalized usage. The main interface of the app has different categories;
- Podcasts
- Discover
- New Releases
- In Progress
- Starred
- Downloads
- Settings
Pocket Casts keeps track of everything that you are listening to in the ‘In Progress’ section. The new episodes can be downloaded and tracked in the ‘Downloads’ section. Users can discover new podcasts and can subscribe to their favorite ones.