QR Code & Barcode Scanner is listed under the ‘Tools’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store and doesn’t contain any in-app purchases. However, it may contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.4 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 1.3.9 which was recently updated on Oct 20, 2022.
QR Code & Barcode Scanner is developed and offered by ‘Breeze048’. The size of the Android application is 3.6 MB but varies with the devices. The reviews of 342 users have given it an average rating of 4.6/5 stars. Over 10k users have downloaded QR Code & Barcode Scanner from Play Store.
QR Code & Barcode Scanner is a QR Code scanner app. The app simply uses the mobile device’s camera to scan and interpret the information of any QR code or Barcode. The app supports a long range of QR code types.
Pros of the Application
- QR Code & Barcode Scanner is a QR code scanner and barcode scanner app that can scan any type of code.
- The app simply uses the mobile device’s camera to scan QR codes which makes it a handy app.
- The app supports a wide range of QR codes that include URLs, website links, vCard, Menard, call logs information, geo locations and many more.
- The app also supports 2D (Two dimensional) codes and Barcodes as well like Code 39,93,128, ITF, Aztec code, Data Matrix, GS1 DataBar etc.
- It automatically opens URLs and encoded connections to Wi-Fi hotspots.
- The very small size of this QR code scanner app i.e. 4 MB gives it an edge.
- The app also gives a history log of scanned QR codes, so that there is no hassle to find and scan previous codes again.
- Users can also share scanned QR codes with others using any sharing app.
- There is a flashlight option as well in the app that helps scan in the dark.
Cons of the Application
- The way too many notification ads make the user uncomfortable with it sometimes. Some users complained about ads that the app shows full-screen ads even when the app is not open or in use.
As complained by the user in its review that “Shows full-screen ads arbitrarily even when not utilizing the application. The developer flawlessly hid the name and symbol of the application so it is not specifically obvious which application is showing the ads until you minimize it and go to the settings to find.”
- Some users complained about the proper working of the app. Sometimes, bugs and errors slow down the app and shut down suddenly.
Download the Application From Here
QR Code & Barcode Scanner is a lightweight QR code scanner app that allows users to scan any type of code including QR codes and Barcodes by just using the mobile phone’s camera. The app needs some permissions for its work like storage access, camera access, Wi-Fi or network access for its proper working. The main interface of the app has a QR code scanner running (using the camera) that automatically detects any code.
The code is displayed in tabular form. This is also a history log of the recently scanned QR codes. The user can also share scanned QR codes with others using the share option. Users can also use the flashlight to enlighten the dark codes so that they are visible.