Saphalam 2020 is an application categorized under “Education” in the Google Play Store. This application is developed by KITE and has content applicable to individuals aged three and above. It is compatible with the Android version 4.1 and above and was recently updated on 07-Jun-2022. The current version of the application is 5.0 and the size of the application is 3.7 MB. The application does not contain any ads. It is available in Google Play and does not offer any in-app purchases. This application has more than 500,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 1,900 users giving it a 3.9 rating in the Google Play Store.
The Secondary School Leaving Certificate (commonly referred to as SSLC) is a certification that students obtain at the end of their high school level. The SSLC certificate is obtained after passing the grade 10 public examinations. There are held by the government and not the school. These are usually called class 10 board examinations. These exams are usually a frightening ordeal for many of the participating students and parents alike. SSLC is a common eligibility examination popular in international markets in many states in India, especially Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
The application is powered by KITE (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education). They have introduced a special cloud-based portal and Saphalam mobile application for students to get their Kerala SSLC results. It is the official mobile application for inquiring about SSLC results in 2020. You will get school-wise, district wise and DEO-wise results in the Result Analysis Link. You can also get subject-based analysis. You can save a result as a PDF file. You can share the result on various social apps. You can get your results by simply entering the date of birth and register number, through one tap. There are no jams or any other issues while accessing the score through this application.
The Saphalam 2020 app can be downloaded from Google Play Store only. The app also has subject-based analysis and various reports with respect to Kerala plus two results as well.
As the next step, students need to open the application and enter their name, school details, roll number, and any other details asked on the app. The details would be mentioned on your plus two admit card or hall ticket. Once the student clicks on the submit button, the result will appear on the screen once it is officially declared on the Kerala University website.
How to check Kerala SSLC results via the ‘Saphalam’ app:
Step 1: Visit the Google play store on your Android phone.
Step 2: Type Saphalam and search. Then download the app on your device.
Step 3: Open the app and select SSLC. You will then enter your mobile number.
Step 4: Enter roll code/roll number and code gave and enter ‘Submit’.
Step 5: The result will be available on the webpage and you can take a screenshot or download the result.