Super Call Recorder- An App to Record Phone Calls

Super Call Recorder is an application categorized under “Communication” in the Google play store. This application is developed by MeiHillMan and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. It is compatible with android version 4.3 and above and was recently updated on Sep 14, 2022. The current version of the app is 2.3.7 and the size of the application is 7.7MB. It is available in Google Play and it has in-app purchases from ₹130.00 – ₹1,300.00 per item. This application has more than 1,000,000 installs and has been reviewed by more than 60,000 users giving it a 3.8 rating in the Google play store.

Communication over cellular devices is something that everyone does. In this day and age, everyone ranging from a fruit seller to a business tycoon has a smartphone. It has become an inevitable part of life. We wake up and the first thing that we do is check our smartphone for messages. Nowadays more conversation is done over phones than in real life. The convenience of it all is getting people comfortable with it. Earlier ways of communication required you to be in close proximity to another device in order to make or receive a phone call. On the other hand with a mobile phone user can be literally anywhere on earth with cell service and he can make and receive calls. Due to all these benefits more and more important information is being transmitted over mobile phones. Mobile phones are used throughout businesses to relay and receive important information all the time. The one amazing thing you can do while communicating over the mobile phone is you can record the conversation. This is almost like going back in time and reliving the conversation.

Super call recorder is an application that lets users record and saves calls on the user’s smartphone. With the prevalent use of smartphones throughout work and play there might be conversations that were important. With super call recorder users can you can record and save all such important conversations so that they can listen to them later and take notes. This is useful if the conversation involves specific instructions to do a task. The user can relisten the instructions as many times as he wants before comprehending them fully. There can also be moments that are dear to your life, like your loved one wishing you an anniversary or a conversation that you are having with a dying friend. The super call recorder records all phone conversations with crisp audio.

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Some of the amazing features are –

  • Record both incoming and outgoing calls in excellent audio quality.
  • It’s completely free to use
  • The recorded sound clips are crystal clear, you can use the app’s built-in playback to easily export your recorded calls to the SD card, and send them by email, WhatsApp, or other mean
  • Automatically records in Mp3 format so that you can use and play it back on multiple devices.

Overall this app does so much in terms of utility. It is one of the best call recorders out there.