Super Loud Speaker Booster is an application categorized under “Music & Audio” in the Google play store. This application is developed by 4TForLive and has content applicable to individuals aged 3+. Super Loud Speaker Booster is compatible with android version 4.4 and above and was recently updated on Nov 22,2023. The current version of the device is 5.0 and its size is 6.1Mb. It is available in Google Play and is completely free to use. This application has been installed more than 50,000 times and was reviewed by more than 1,280 users giving it a 4.7 rating in the Google play store.
With the increase in the utility of mobile phones, one of the main functions of mobile phones is playing videos on the go. With an increase in the working class, people do not get time to get comfortable and watch videos in the luxury of their homes videos are being shared and played hundreds of millions of times using video-sharing apps such as WhatsApp and other messengers. This has led to the need of having powerful video players that consume less power and give smooth performance. Many of the default video players that come with mobile phones just don’t cut it in terms of quality and performance. This is where Super Loud Speaker Booster comes into play.
Super Loud Speaker Booster is an amazingly powerful volume booster application that comes in handy when you are struggling to hear through your phone’s speakers with the volume turned all the way up. Most times, especially while watching a movie or listening to a song, you turn the volume up to the maximum and still can’t hear what’s being played. This application helps you push the volume higher than the system’s original default settings thus enabling the sound of every application gets louder. You can increase the speaker loudness and volume increaser of your mobile phone by 60% by using it. With a single touch, it amplifies your sound and gives ultra-boost and volume booster. This application is so powerful that it is likely that using the application at high volumes for longer periods of time may damage your hearing. The application comes with a lot of unique and enhancing features:
Features of Speaker Booster
- Increase Volume Up To 150%
- Quick boost volume with one tap on the button
- Both sound volume boosters for headphones and loudspeakers
- Attractive graphics and design
- Simple, Fast, Easy to use
- No need to root to increase the volume louder speaker
- System volume and music amplifier
- Boost volume for video, media, notify, call, alarm
- Super Loud Speaker Booster is Free and 100%
The two issues faced in many phones and systems are not having speaker quality or volume levels to make your listening experience of sound quality. Apart from these two issues, having a poor speaker replacement can also add to the whole experience of enjoying the sound. But this is expected as the file quality would be the limiting factor. The typical smartphone cannot be ideally used as a stock speaker as the Bass can never be reproduced. But this is something close to having a loudspeaker without bass.