Weather Forecast is listed under the ‘Weather’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC, i.e., it is suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store and doesn’t contain any in-app purchases. However, it may contain ads placed by developers. A device must have android version 4.4 or up for the proper functioning of this app. The latest version of the app is 1.57.188 which was updated recently on Dec 22, 2022. It was first released on 20td March 2018.
Weather Forecast is developed and offered by Green Apple Studio. The size of the Android application is 8.77 MB but varies with the device used. The reviews of 623K users have given it an average rating of 4.4/5 stars. The app has reached the milestone of 10 Million+ downloads on the Google Play Store.

Weather Forecast is a weather forecasting app developed by Green Apple Studio. The app provides accurate weather situations anywhere. It provides forecasting and predicting weather conditions. Real-time rain, snow, and humidity conditions are also included in the app.
Pros of the Application
- The weather forecast app is totally free with no in-app purchases and is listed #9 on ‘Free App’.
- Provides detailed hourly, daily, and weekly weather update report in real-time.
- The App covers all countries and all regions so you don’t have to worry about missing out on your location.
- Displays detailed weather information reports such as wind speed, relative humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, location time, precipitation in different units, dew point, visibility distance, etc.
- Weather information is detectable by the mobile network, WIFI, and GPS.
- Save and manage weather reports of multiple locations simultaneously.
- Various measurement units and conversions such as Temperature (C/F), Time format (12h/24h), Precipitation (mm, inch), wind speed (km/h, mi/h, m/s), pressure (mmHg, hPa, mBar) available.
- Widgets also get updated in real-time.
- There are regular notifications for weather updates. Personal blizzards and hurricane trackers are also available.
- The Weather forecast app also provides a chart for managing hourly and daily weather.
- The app provides real-time weather maps with weather radar animations for rain, snow, hail, sunshine, and clouds.
Cons of the Application
- There are many concerns about battery usage and power consumption of the app, users complained that the app drains out the battery at a faster rate.
- Some users reported problems with connecting to the network sometimes.
- Sometimes there is no advance warning of the harsh weather conditions ahead.
- At times there is an issue with temperature accuracy and temperature readings displayed is off the charts.
Download Application From Here
Weather Forecast provides information related to weather conditions. At the first start of the app, the user needs to provide some preferences about units providing the weather information. They can also activate or deactivate notifications and the ‘Status Bar’ here.
Users need to provide location access to use its services. The main interface of the app provides different details like:
- Temperature
- Time & Date
- Wind Speed
- Pressure
- Weather forecast
Users can toggle between days to check the weather forecast for them. What are you waiting for? Just get the app downloaded and stay updated with the weather forecast. You can at least compare this app with other similar apps and see if it serves the purpose in a better way. With most weather forecasting apps, the problem is that they aren’t precise for the forecast beyond 48 hours. Try this app and see if it is more precise as compared to the one you already have.