WPS Office- Android App to Manage Documents

WPS Office is listed under the ‘Productivity’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store This app offers in-app purchases. However, it may also contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.0 and up for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 11.4.4 which was updated recently on Dec 5, 2022. It was first released on 21st July 2011.

WPS Office is developed and offered by Kingsoft Office Software Corporation Limited. The size of the Android application is 38 MB but varies with the device. The reviews of 1.6 M users have given it an average rating of 4.5/5 stars. Over 100 million Android users have downloaded WPS Office.

WPS Office is a word processing app that can-do multiple tasks that include creating, editing and viewing word documents. Working with PDF files, integrating with excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations and many more. WPS Office is highly compatible with Microsoft software documents including word, documents, text, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Pros of the Application

  • WPS Office is versatile software which is used to do many tasks that include word processing, creating and editing word documents, sharing word files across other platforms and many more.
  • WPS Office can convert all word processing documents like word, text, Excel, doc etc into PDF files. It supports all office file formats. Users can scan any document using the camera and convert them into PDF using WPS Office.
  • Users can view PDF documents and create a bookmark list of important ones. WPS Office also supports annotation viewing of PDF files.
  • This app can also create presentations. There is a huge collection of layouts, custom animation, and transition effects. Users can simply use these layouts and pre-set animation to create wonderful presentations.
  • WPS Office offers powerful spreadsheets that can be used to do advanced data management digital operations. These spreadsheets include predefined formulae as well for easy computation.
  • Users can easily save their important documents directly to cloud servers like Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox, OneDrive etc using WPS Office.
  • WPS Office syncs all devices so that files can be accessed from anywhere, any device to keep them up to date via cloud servers.
  • Users can also transfer or share their files using any messaging or sharing app.
  • WPS Office has a unique user interface UI, supports mobile view and multi Window mode, night mode and many other unique features for smooth working.
  • WPS Office is compatible with 51 different languages.
  • Users can buy premium versions for value-added features and in-app products for advanced working.
  • With over 1.3 billion downloads and the ‘Google Play Best of 2015’ award winner, it is the most trusted app.

Cons of the Application

  • The way too many ads disturb smooth working and make uncomfortable with it sometimes.
  • Some users complained about the proper working of the app. Sometimes, the save option doesn’t work properly and with no backups, there might be a chance of losing valuable files.

Download the Application From Here


WPS Office is a versatile app that can perform all types of word processing, creating and editing word files, and dealing with PDFs and presentations. At the first start of WPS Office, the user needs to agree with ‘T & C’ and allow access to storage. The main interface of the app has different categories;

  • Recent
  • Cloud Docs
  • Tools
  • Templates
  • Me

There is a + ‘button on the main interface, by taping this button user can manually choose to create either;

  • New Document
  • New Presentation
  • New Spreadsheet
  • New PDF
  • New Memo
  • New Scan